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Get paid £40 an hour to teach people about Game of Thrones

Moneymagpie Team 26th Mar 2019 One Comment

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Are you the dedicated Game of Thrones expert in your friendship group? Well then, this could be the perfect job for you.

Europe’s leading online marketplace connecting customers with local service professionals has launched a new service for fans of acclaimed HBO series, Game of Thrones, eager to learn how to speak one of the show’s most popular languages: High Valyrian.

What is High Valyrian?

Well, Daenerys Targaryen speaks the language and that should be enough to get you interested. In fact her name along with most Targaryens is Valyrian in origin. While in the books the language is not really developed, for the TV show the producers actually got in a linguist, David J. Peterson, to really elaborate on this language to the extent that it is now a real thing – a real thing you can learn!

It has 4 grammatical genders. Many languages categorize nouns as either masculine or feminine, but these are not biologically based categories, just linguistic ones. High Valyrian categorizes nouns as lunar, solar, terrestrial, or aquatic. Nouns for humans are usually lunar, occupations and body parts are typically solar, food and plants are most commonly terrestrial, and liquids are aquatic. Want to get more bamboozled? Well, in Valyrian, the cultural metaphor for time is vertical—the past is below and the future is above. Anyway, moving on…

Key phrases to get you started

Some of the most common High Valyrian phrases spoken in Game of Thrones are:

  • Valar morghulis: “All men must die.”
  • Valar dohaeris: “All men must serve.”
  • Dracarys: “Dragonfire.”
  • Bantis zōbrie issa se ossȳngnoti lēdys: “The night is dark and full of terrors.”
  • Muña Zaldrizoti: “Mother of dragons.”

Become a High Valyrian teacher

Okay if you’ve read this far you probably fancy yourself worthy of the position.

According to Peterson (the linguist who created the language, in case you skipped over that part of this article) High Valyrian has grown to comprise around 2,000 words, and those who sign up to be High Valyrian Tutor will be required to provide proof of their knowledge of the language. The role will involve creating a variety of reading, writing and speaking exercises for students, alongside role-playing scenarios to enhance the learning experience.

The tuition service, which is available across the UK and USA, will help both fans of the show and people new to Game of Thrones learn to speak High Valyrian fluently while gaining a better understanding of the history behind the fictitious world. It also hopes to spark an interest in other languages in people of all ages.

How much does it pay?

It can pay £40 an hour according to Bark.com, however rates are flexible since you can set your own!

Kai Feller, co-founder of Bark.com, said,

“Game of Thrones is more than another hit show – it’s become a worldwide sensation! And with the highly anticipated final season fast approaching, the show is more popular than it has ever been. That’s why we’ve launched our latest service – High Valyrian tuition.

“At Bark.com, we love giving people different ways to earn and this is the latest service we’ve launched to do that. High Valyrian is a complex language and this is a fantastic opportunity for anyone who has worked hard to become fluent to share their knowledge – not to mention it would be a fantastic string to any fan’s bow!”

We think that if you can actually speak this language, you should definitely look to secure this opportunity. There can’t be that many who are in the know – what are you waiting for?

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5 years ago

Great idea for Thrones fans.

Jasmine Birtles

Your money-making expert. Financial journalist, TV and radio personality.

Jasmine Birtles

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