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Get paid £1,000 to eat ice cream!

Isobel Lawrance 13th Jul 2021 One Comment

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Ice cream is a summer staple. The melody of an ice cream van driving down the road conjures up happy memories of being a child, running to the ice cream van and being handed a cone of whipped, soft, sweet goodness. Don’t forget the chocolate flake, carefully popped in the side.

When the sun is beating down on you on a hot summer’s day, there’s nothing better than tucking into cold, refreshing ice cream. Whether you’re a vanilla, raspberry ripple or mint choc chip fan, the right flavour can really hit the spot.

And now you can make money eating it…we’re not making this up!


The Opportunity

If indulging in iced deserts is your idea of heaven, then we may just know the job of your dreams. July is National Ice Cream Month, and one lucky person with a sweet tooth is being offered an amazing £1,000 to eat ice cream.

Yes, you heard that correctly – you could get paid to eat ice cream.

Unfortunately, there is one catch. You must go sugar-free.


who are Wheyhey?

Wheyhey is a naturally sugar-free ice cream brand founded in 2013. Their mission is to make delicious and indulgent sugar-free ice cream, using sustainable and high-quality ingredients. There are currently eight mouth-watering flavours to choose from – salted caramel, chocolate and hazelnut and cinnamon danish have caught our eye.

Now, Wheyhey are on the hunt for one ice cream loving candidate to take part in a study which is focused on finding out whether sugar-addicts can achieve the same ‘snackisfaction’ levels by swapping out sugar-filled treats with delicious, sugar-free alternatives.


Why Sugar-free?

This comes after a poll of 2,000 adults revealed almost half of brits (49%) are addicted to sweet, sugary treats, and “can’t live without them”. Additionally, a whopping three-quarters of us have tried to give up sugary snacks altogether, however 30% admitted they could only manage three to five days before giving up and catering to their cravings.

The NHS recently came out with statistics suggesting the average British person eats a whopping 700g of sugar per week – that’s 140 teaspoons per person! Annually, this equates to a staggering 7,280 teaspoons. This means we are consuming 116,000 calories from our love of sugar alone (based on 16 calories per teaspoon).

Approximately only 3% of people in the poll managed to give up sugar for good. This is despite the well-known negative health implications when it comes to high-sugar diets.

In 2020, an extra 54 million litres of ice cream were consumed compared to previous years. Some ice cream brands have as much as 15.2g of sugar in a 100ml serving (based on a sample of vanilla ice cream).

This gives reasoning to the current study. Wheyhey want to investigate whether they can feasibly satisfy the nations love of sugary goodness, starting with what they know best – ice cream.


How To Apply

So, do you think you have what it takes?

To be eligible, you must be between the ages of 18 and 60, and you must not have any pre-existing health issues, including diabetes, obesity and hyperthyroidism. If you think you are the perfect fit for the role, head to LinkedIn, where the opportunity is currently being advertised.

The lucky candidate chosen will be given a variety of flavours to try from Wheyhey’s sugar-free range. They will then be asked to note their satisfaction levels throughout the process, and the results will be compared to satisfaction levels when consuming sugar-filled alternatives.

The founder of Wheyhey, Damien Kennedy says, “The main aim at Wheyhey is to show the community that you don’t have to compromise on taste when living a healthy lifestyle.” Damien is proud to offer sugar-free and high-protein alternatives that deliver wonderful taste and texture, to a UK that consumes far more sugar than it should. He continues, “It is important to us that the candidate we recruit for the case study is honest and informative, in order for us to continue producing the best tasting, sugar-free ice cream.”

Wheyhey are hoping both the study and their products will help thousands of Brits to reduce their sugar consumption.

If you think you are the right fit for this study and are ready to go sugar-free for this research, you can apply here.

Good luck, ice cream lovers!

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3 years ago

So many would love this opportunity.

Jasmine Birtles

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