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We live like kings

Jasmine Birtles 7th Sep 2015 One Comment

Reading Time: 2 minutes

It suddenly occurred to me yesterday morning as I was getting dressed, listening to the radio, that we today live like kings did in olden times.

It was probably because the music I was listening to was Blive like kingsaroque – the sort of music that a king in, say, the 17th century would listen to as he was getting ready in the morning, but for him it was played live by a group of actual musicians in the next room (if he demanded it).

All I have to do is to switch the radio on. Not only that but he didn’t have instant access to thousands (or millions?) of different styles of music and performers as I do through radio channels, Spotify, Youtube, CDs and more.

Then the food I was eating. All right, basic porridge which has been around for centuries, but I had fruit yoghurt on it and pieces of actual fruit – berries that I got from the supermarket. That’s pretty much food fit for kings in those times. Paupers might pick apples and pears of the trees but bananas, pineapples, mangos, even strawberries out of season? No no no, that’s for kings only.

A king would have his bath water heated for him – quite a few servants would be needed to sort it all out.

Me, I turn the tap on.

live like kingsWe can go on. Fitting clothes that keep us warm and looking good. Various forms of transport other than a horse or two legs. Entertainment at the click of a button.

Isn’t it amazing what we have?

Do we notice much of it, most of the time? Not really.

So be a King or Queen today. You live like one, however much you might think you lack.

Live like royalty. You’re worth it!




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Denis Cronin
Denis Cronin
8 years ago

Hi Jasmine
Good article about kings and queens in the past and us ordinary folk today !
We also have the benefits of pain killing drugs , life extending operations and constant improvements in medical treatments / science / research etc !
Although we must never forget that advances are due to the efforts and sacrifices of us ordinary folk down through the centuries !

Jasmine Birtles

Your money-making expert. Financial journalist, TV and radio personality.

Jasmine Birtles

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