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Advertise with MoneyMagpie


To contact us at MoneyMagpie for advertising enquiries please call or email our team direct:

T: +44 (0) 207 993 6280

M: +44 (0) 7743 029 176

E: [email protected]



MoneyMagpie connects with a number of strategic partners and sponsors that advertise on the site across all categories including: “How to make money”, “How to save money”, “How to manage your money”, “Seasonal money ideas” and “Ask Jasmine”.

Our strategic partners commit to short campaigns (3 months), mid-length campaigns (6 months) and long-term campaigns (12 months). We offer tailor-made packages to suit our partners’ needs.

Sponsorship packages are available for those partners wanting to promote individual campaigns on a shorter timeframe.

Partners benefit from approximately 150K unique MoneyMagpie visitors per month, with additional exposure via our social media channels and to our network of 70K subscribers to our weekly newsletter.

In some cases we offer video advertising and campaign partnerships and the possibility of mentions in broadcast and other media activity.

MoneyMagpie strategic partnership agreements do not preclude us from mentioning competitive products and services but they do prioritise such brands with premium display advertising on the MoneyMagpie homepage and across specific site categories.

These partnerships enable MoneyMagpie to continually produce relevant financial information to our readers.  We choose our partners and sponsors carefully and we only join forces with brands we believe are genuinely good and compliment MoneyMagpie’s brand values. We also verify everything we advertise to make sure it’s legitimate – so you won’t find any scams on our site.

Our partners helps us to generate some of the revenue we need to cover the costs of the website without having to compromise our promise to research and reveal to our readers the best financial information. This includes top information on great money-making and money-saving ideas, latest deals and bargains plus access to fantastic competition prizes.

If you would like to partner with MoneyMagpie please do get in touch via [email protected]



In some articles we include affiliate links which are links that we receive payment from should a reader go on and purchase a product.

Again, we only link to companies and offers that we think are genuinely good and in order to be absolutely transparent we have the links in bold so readers know if it’s an affiliate link.

Ideally we would like to do away with affiliate links altogether but at this moment they’re necessary to help cover the cost of the website.



We have a media pack which offers rates for non-partners to advertise in our weekly newsletter and the costs of potential alternative packages. If you would like to know the prices for slots in this free weekly email, or you are interested in finding out about a tailored package, just email us at [email protected]


Jasmine Birtles

Your money-making expert. Financial journalist, TV and radio personality.

Jasmine Birtles