Jasmine Birtles
Your money-making expert. Financial journalist, TV and radio personality.
Why not earn some cash on the side by inviting some mates over to your house and hosting a product party?
You can all try out products before you buy them and have some fun while you’re at it.
Alternatively, take the products to someone else’s house and start earning commission on what you sell.
There are lots of companies offering the chance either to become a hostess or a consultant for cash or for freebies. We’ve looked at the major ones for you – so if you’re interested in making money in your spare time take a look at this guide.
Some companies have worked out that they’re more likely to sell their products if they are promoted between friends. Products like cosmetics, clothes and homeware particularly tend to do quite well if they are sold in a friendly, homely atmosphere than if they are just put on the shelves of a high street shop with everything else.
So they’re keen to get more people to host selling parties, either in their own homes or in their friends’ homes, to shift stuff in a party situation.
Usually, all you have to worry about is arranging a venue and the guests. A consultant from your chosen company will bring the products to you.
It’s basically a chance to do some shopping from the comfort of your own home and try out the products before you buy them with some friends.
You’ll probably get the chance to preview exclusive products and offers too.
Of course we all know the Body Shop shops, but they also have an ‘at home’ version.
Go to the ‘Body Shop At Home’ section, follow the links to hosting a party then fill out your details.
A Body Shop consultant will be sent round to your house and give you a collection of products to test out.
The consultant is a beauty expert as well as a salesperson. Depending on what type of party you choose to host, at the event, you will all be given expert tips on skincare, the best ways to wear make-up or the best fragrances for you.
Again, just fill in your details here and an Ann Summers party consultant will be in touch with you.
Be aware that you must be over 18 to host one of their parties because of the adult nature of their products.
With Neal’s Yard Remedies you visit the ‘Have a Party’ section of their website for details or to get in touch with them.
Nothing – except somewhere to hold the party. It’s helpful if you have a large group of friends and the ability to network. If you’re not a social diva, it’s not going to be as enjoyable for you. You need to enjoy having company in your home to make this a fun thing to do.
By hosting a party, you can’t actually make any money but you’ll get some free products and discounts and there’ll be special offers on a regular basis.
Choose the company that sells the kind of products you would want to buy. There’s no point getting discounts and freebies if you’re not going to use them!
The Body Shop makes money by selling products to you and your guests at the end of the party. It’s a great way to try out all the products though, so you know exactly what you’re buying for a change. Depending on how much money you and your group spend, you’ll receive a certain amount of free shopping as the host.
You receive a free facial or makeover, £25 worth of free products of your choice plus 70% off on any other products you’d like to buy on the day (as long as your guests spend £230 or more).
Ann Summers organisers have 10% of sales to spend on their products and free delivery. Also you get free gifts for hosting the party.
Neal’s Yard Remedies As host, the amount you can expect to make is dependent on the amount your guests spend. For example, if members of your party buy £150 worth of goods, you will receive £25 worth of free shopping. For the full table showing you what rewards you can expect to earn, go to their website.
It’s worth knowing that as the host, you’ll also receive free facial scrub or body cream.
Absolutely nothing – and there shouldn’t be any obligation to buy anything so avoid any company that asks you to pay any money to host one of their parties.
You could make it a regular occurrence and save a bundle on skin care, make-up, hair care, fragrance and Christmas presents for all your family and friends.
Not only this, if your parties bring in reasonable sales then you’ll be getting a host of free products. It’s also a great excuse for a party and a chance to spend some quality time with old friends and maybe even make some new ones.
If you’ve got a big date coming up then you can take advantage of the free makeovers and doll yourself up for nothing!
If you do decide to go for it, make sure it’s a great evening.
The role of a consultant is to book and organise parties to demonstrate products to the host and their guests.
Being a consultant is a great way to earn money flexibly, because you can choose how many parties to book, whenever you like.
You can do it part time or full time. Many mums do it in the evenings for some extra pocket money. You’ll be working for yourself so you can be your own boss and have a giggle to boot.
All consultants are assigned a mentor and receive training on all the products and/or beauty treatments, and also get free advice on how to maximise their bookings and business.
As with hosting a party you just need to fill in your details on the websites and someone will be in touch to get you started.
Your training will be specific to the company. For example, as a Body Shop At Home consultant you’ll be taught all the ethics that The Body Shop products endorse such as fair trading, protecting the planet and anti-animal testing.
Similarly, with Ann Summers party games are taught so you’ll be able to tailor the event to your customers.
At the Body Shop your area manager organises training. You must purchase your Starter Kit and book a minimum of four parties over a four-week period. After that you get to decide how many parties you do per week.
To become a consultant for beauty company Neal’s Yard Remedies, go to their website.
Nothing at all – but some places will only take on women so do check. A party organiser position is best suited to someone of a talkative, confident and organised nature and if you don’t have a strong social network you may find it difficult to get the initial party bookings.
The amount of products that are sold at your demonstrations will determine your wage per party. The Body Shop says that the average party makes £200. Consultants get 25%-30% commission on certain products so you can expect to earn roughly £50 a party. When you sign up you have to pay £45 or your starter kit (which includes £220-worth of popular products).
Get in touch with the Body Shop to see how to become a consultant
Here again you’re likely to make around £50 a party depending on your friends and how many are at the event.
Again, consultants get commission. However, there are often additional bonuses to be had if you sell a lot of goods within a short space of time. Check with the company for the latest incentives.
To start up as a consultant, it will cost you £45. This pays for your starter kit which contains products and catalogues to the value of £220.
Ann Summers: you get a starter kit for £49 worth £300.
Neal’s Yard Remedies: Their starter kit costs £95, which includes training and ongoing support from another consultant.
It’s a great way to take control of your earnings and start your own business. Even if you don’t plan to stick with it a long time, it will help you to learn basic business sense.
There’s a load of incentives and rewards for when you do well and it’s an ideal job if you’re a mum, because you can plan it around the kids’ needs.
It’s also a brilliant way to boost your social life – you’ll get to have normal conversation with regular people (a life saver if the most intelligent discussions you have are those between yourself and a three year old).
BUT it’s important to remember that you aren’t guaranteed to be able to cover your costs – you might make a tenner one night and £100 the next – it’s all dependent on the host and their guests’ passion for shopping.
Also if you’re strapped for cash as it is, the start-up costs might not be affordable to you.
“You don’t need any expert knowledge to be a consultant – but it helps if you actually enjoy the products you’re selling.
“I’ve found it to be a really flexible way to get extra income, shopping discounts and free goods. Product parties can take place anytime – in the evening or during the day. I’ve done parties at everything from coffee mornings to baby showers.
“You can do as little or as many as you like. They can be fun, especially if they’re with friends or people you know.
“I’d say the main things you need to be a consultant is an interest in the products you’re selling and a friendly manner. Although I’ve definitely found it useful having access to a PC!”
If you don’t want to host a product party through a company, you can have your own party and sell products you’ve made yourself. Don’t panic – making your own beauty products is actually much easier than it sounds. See our article here on how to make your own cosmetics to sell.
There are lots of books and websites out there to help people wanting to make their own beauty products. Here are sites and books that we think are worth checking out:
Try G Baldwin & Co for essential oils, dried herbs, dried flowers and other natural ingredients. There are also clever soap moulds that you can buy and soap flakes that you can personalise with added ingredients of your choice.
Buy some decorative pots and jars to make your homemade goods look more attractive. We like the look of the jars and bottles ones sold at ColouredBottles.co.uk.
Use hampers and baskets to turn your products into perfect gifts.
CandiGifts sells wicker baskets of various shapes and sizes, plus wrapping and packing accessories.
Get friends and family round to your house to try out your homemade products. Or, take the products to work for colleagues to try out.
If you’re a natural seller, make sure you don’t miss our fab article on how to make money selling Mary Kay products
If you don’t fancy making your own beauty products, another great way to get beauty treatments for less is to gather friends and family together and hire a beautician to give you all various treatments in one evening.
Agree beforehand how big a discount you want. Expect to pay between 25-50% less than you would pay in a salon, because the beautician will be getting a lot of work in one evening and will take all the profits for him/herself rather than being paid through a salon.
Gumtree is a good place to look – check under the ‘Health and Beauty’ tab in the services section for beauticians wanting to treat people at their homes.
Do you do product parties at home? Tell us about it in the comments below!
[…] However, if you are not one of the lucky ones to get that freebie, consider setting up a product party before Christmas where your friends can buy gifts and you get paid to do it. Find out how here. […]
[…] However, if you are not one of the lucky ones to get that freebie, then consider setting up a product party before Christmas where your friends can buy gifts and you get paid to do it. Find out how here. […]
[…] However, if you are not one of the lucky ones to get that freebie, then consider setting up a product party before Christmas where your friends can buy gifts and you get paid to do it. Find out how here. […]
[…] However, if you are not one of the lucky ones to get that freebie, then consider setting up a product party before Christmas where your friends can buy gifts and you get paid to do it. Find out how here. […]
Party hosting seems a good way to make some money.