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Over £1,000 lost every year to unused beauty products

Isobel Lawrance 28th Oct 2022 No Comments

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Beauty giant Avon have released their latest findings regarding the amount of money we lose every single year from unused beauty products we purchase. According to the research, the average woman spends £1,365 annually on skincare, makeup and toiletries. 

However, most admit that around 75% of the products they purchase go partially or completely unused. Those aged 16 to 24 spend the most on cosmetic and beauty products, the study shows. In fact, the average spend for this age group is £300 per year on toiletries and fragrances, £312 on face makeup and £200 on nail products. 

1 in 3 of those studied admitted to owning products over five years old, and one quarter said they have multiple products with the same function. This means thousands of pounds are left sitting in bathroom cabinets and drawers every year, unused. 

As the cost of living rises rapidly, 80% of women are unwilling to give up cosmetic items to save money. However, 61% did say they are in search of cheaper alternatives. Just over half of those surveyed (52%) said value is something they look for when shopping for beauty items. 

Avon teamed up with model and author Louise Boyce, to get some top tips on how to be a savvy spender when it comes to your beauty regime. You don’t have to compromise on results in order to save money! Here are Louise’s top tips: 

Use multi-functional products 

With 1 in 3 of us suggesting we have multiple products with the same function, it could be a good idea to buy products with multiple benefits, instead of lots of different products. 

Check your makeup bag regularly 

Almost a quarter of women (22%) say they rarely finish products they own. 1 in 3 also say they have products almost half a decade old which they hang onto. Check expiration dates and have a clear out. This will help you see what you have left to work with. Although it is tempting to buy new, try to use up the products you have before buying more. It may also become a personal challenge for you and you can rediscover old favourites you may not have used in a while. 

Create your own tinted moisturiser 

If you aren’t a fan of full coverage foundation and want to try a tinted moisturiser, why not make your own? Instead of splashing out on yet another product, mix your foundation with your favourite moisturiser to create your very own tinted moisturiser. 

Increase the lifespan of your products 

If your mascara is a little dry, blast it with the hairdryer for a few seconds to warm it up and reverse the drying. Louise also suggests adding micellar water to smashed powders and eyeshadows to press them back into place. 

Have a spare lippy? 

If you have lots of unused lipsticks, why not use them in a different way? Doubling up your lipstick as a blusher or an eyeshadow is a great way to use up lipstick. If it’s a shade you aren’t keen on for your lips, give it a go on your cheeks, nose and chin to give yourself a natural, dewy flush. 

Get a sample 

Many shops offer free samples, you just have to ask! Don’t buy a full-sized version of a product you are unsure you will enjoy and use. This way, you can test the colour, texture, scent, durability and your skin’s tolerance. 


Do you have any top tips to save on cosmetics or breathe new life into unused beauty products? Leave a comment below!

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