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issues contacting 02

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    does anyone here work for 02? or have trouble trying to get in touch with them?

    I cant seem to get in touch or get a reply from them and I do have questions id like to ask them. im deaf so I cant phone, I cant write because of strokes, there online chat isn’t there anymore, there not responding to my emails, my local closed years ago and id have to go to Renfrew or Glasgow shopping centres to gain access to one, and even then its appointment only, im terminally ill so im in the vulnerable category where im shielding so I cant go out Scotland is still in lockdown and id rather not risk it, im not pn social media for my own safety, cant find a text option plus I don’t want it to cost me. its very annoying there not catering for the deaf for contacting with the emails and online chat now. any ideas how I can get them to answer me?

    see I heard there to merge with virgin, I don’t know if its happened or if its just rumour, but I have questions I want to ask them. things like are they or have they merged? will it affect my pay and go tariff? why didn’t they tell us clients via email or text?


    Hi Claire,

    Sorry to hear you’re struggling to get in touch with them. I don’t have any contacts that I could get in touch with; however, the questions you want to ask them are the sort that they will make sure to communicate with customers if and when such a merger happens.

    Rumours of mergers can take ages to actually come to fruition (if ever at all), so it can feel like ages before you get any details as a customer. However, legally, they do have to provide you with information once contracts etc are signed for a merger to go ahead – so you won’t be left behind wondering what’s happening. They’ll write to all of their customers, at least by email and/or text, and usually in a letter as well, because they must notify people of any changes to their contracts (i.e., who their provider is/changes of name etc).

    So, while I can’t help directly, I can say not to worry – the merger was confirmed in May 2020, but the paperwork and actually getting it sorted can take a very long time to sort out. As a customer, they’ll definitely get in touch when all the details are clear!

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