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  • in reply to: Great help and advice #152005

    I stumbled across money magpie today for the first time. Love the wide choice of topics and advice available. Can see myself becoming a frequent visitor to the site

    I stumbled across them too not so long ago, and I can tell you its the best place ever for help advice,  great prizes n freebies up for grabs, everyone is amazing on here. ive learned so much in such a small time. I recommend you stay a member 🙂 welcome to the community

    anything specific you wanted to ask? just assumed from title you be asking something. no matter how small or stupid you may think it is, just ask someone will know how to help you, and trust me you wont feel stupid when you see the replies. read over all the forum topics your sure to find something specific to you that will help. and read as many of their articles as you can, there always a great read and very helpful

    in reply to: Our Recommended Articles of the Week #152004

    are we supposed to be the ones to recommend the articles? and dose it have to be from your site? I clicked on this thinking you was recommending things to read

    in reply to: Masks compulsory on transport from June 15th #151856

    yes I think its sensible to wear them to protect everyone. making it law just makes sense. because there will be some stupid folks out there that don’t think to wear them to protect themselves let alone others.

    flouting and demonstrations and riots are evidence that people are already not thinking, as they are doing whats not meant to be yet. it will accelerate the spread not stop it. therefore if they cant control the public (or better yet the stars) with staying in sensible small groups, then why would you think they would be sensible to bother wearing masks without it being law?

    some people will always follow the rules, do the sensible thing, take everyone and everything into account. but there will also always be idiots that just don’t give a crap about anyone, will take risks or cause issues no matter what. but some will not think initially but if its law they will take notice as they don’t want fined or sick.

    if government showed a good example and the stars too, then maybe the public will follow suit.



    that’s very helpful to people in that situation, thanks for sharing:)

    I personally wouldn’t feel safe to return to a job if I was pregnant during this covid19 pandemic. but I fall in neither category. I think it would be extra scary for them extra worry for them.

    in reply to: was Dominic Cummings right to do what he did #151646

    its terrible what he did, like everyone else we have sacrificed everything, he is taking liberties that we the public don’t have.

    im terminally ill so no one not even my carers have been allowed into me, im holding on by a thread, with my terrible mental state and loneliness. things were bad with my house before this now worse, and no way of help. iv given up medical attention ive needed to try keep me and everyone safe. I haven’t seen my dying aunty because of this either, neither has my dad its his sister. my brother isn’t even allowed to visit or make me food.

    he is breaking the rules, which means since no punishment people will follow, they wont care they wont listen to the rules. and we will be at square one or worse. whats more important , life, keeping as many with life as possible.

    anyone else would of been fined or jailed if it had been public folks like us. but as usual the famous and rich get away with everything. its so stupid we should all be treated the same.

    theres pregnant women feeling ill looking after many children on their own right now, surely he can muster looking after 1 kid. instead of endangering everyones lives. surely if hes that sick that he cant look after the kid, he cant travel, and a neighbour would of looked after the kid. iv been at deaths door and looked after kids that aren’t mine till their family came back 3 weeks later, If I can do it he can do it.


    my mobile phone top ups. its costing me so much more than it used to keep in touch via text as my brother lives on his own, and has a different network to me to it costs to text (or call) but im deaf so I can only text. and he is doing the food shopping for us, so he continually asks me questions about almost everything on the list.

    since im terminally ill I have to make sure my phone always has plenty credit on it, incase I take worse and be in hospital, the hospice, or if something happens to my mam (main carer) then I get put in a home. so I have to be able to make sure I get things brought to me I need, update the family on any medical stuff, ask questions about their history too, and for general chitchat as its a lonely life. sadly i don’t have friends. im lucky to at least have family.

    was thinking of treating myself to some Pikachu things on amazon, but dragging my heels just now. feel like I should concentrate on finding food things.

    in reply to: MoneyMagpie Messageboard Feedback Thread #151643

    I don’t know where the search feature is specifically for the message boards or articles.

    when I use thingy at top right bunch of lines it takes me into a part menu, which has a search. when I use it it dosent exactly do what I expect it to do. I gives me abunch of things to chose from to read, but none in the heading have my key word I searched for, nothing seems relevant. and have to trawl through everything anyways to find what I want,

    would be good if there was an easy simple result of what we actually want.

    and would be helpful if articles that come up as suggestions tell you the date before you open it to find the article is years old when you want the most up to date.

    just some of us are not very techy and don’t know the ins n outs of how everything works. and seem to be finding certain things more hard to find or work out how to use.

    thanks for this thread, its very helpful to have somewhere for questions, suggestions and to see what others ideas are to help us all

    your doing a smashing job, its such a great site, great opportunities, great informations, a great forum, great place to learn. forever grateful to this site:)

    in reply to: interest on closed ISA account #151539

    I agree with jasmine take it out or transfer it. iv never heard of that either.

    but im also no expert. I cant even find a way to access  my isa. so make the most of it while you can.

    in reply to: Overdraft charges #151537

    Hi Hannah, The FCA’s latest guidelines are that the first £500 of an overdraft should be interest-free for now. Some systems won’t have caught up with this, and you may have accidentally been charged. However, if you went into an overdraft and didn’t have one agreed with the bank beforehand, they can charge you for that. The same goes for if you go over £500 (or, if your agreed limit was say £350 and you went over that) – you’re still going to get charged interest on the amounts above the limit. Definitely give your bank a call to see if they can refund the charges!

    that’s great info thanks:) I was a bit unsure of the way it worked for non agreed and agreed overdrafts. I just assumed that all banks had stopped charges during the pandemic. now I have a better understanding.

    in reply to: Overdraft charges #151536

    I’ve just been charged for going into my overdraft, not much, but I don’t have the money to cover the costs as I’m waiting for Universal Credit payments to come through.

    I thought banks were scrubbing charges during this time, what bank is it? im sorry to hear this. I hope you get the universal credit soon, and that the bank can be reasonable and scrub it on this occasion.

    in reply to: Business Interruption Insurance Claim Reject #151535

    im sorry to hear this has happened. im surprised its classed as an act of god and is not covered.

    I know nothing about these things sorry, I don’t work let alone from home/my own business. I wish I knew how I could help you out.

    I think everyone big or small business has suffered to a degree. ive heard of some places going bust through it.

    I hope things will get better for you, and that someone can give you good advice.

    in reply to: Our Messageboard Rules #151534

    how do you know which messageboard your question should go in?

    I was planning a topic, didnt know where to post as didn’t seem relative to any of them personally, then someone bet me to it anyways lol.

    point is took a bit of finding to see it had been done and naturally don’t want to duplicate. as you have pointed out the frustration of duplicates which I totally agree.

    where is the search function? I see you mention it to find if a topic has been done. I personally just went through them to see if it had been done. but if theres a better quicker way im all for it:)

    in reply to: How are you saving during lockdown? #151520

    im not sure im saving, I feel like im getting in debt…. as my brother dose the food shop for us, he has a list to go by. and not having cash in the house I have no way of paying him. so I must owe loads by now. I think I used to be about nearly 70-100 per shop twice a week when I did go out. lets me think deeply about what im not spending on……..

    im saving on lots of meals out, as I used to go out twice a week with carers.

    saving lots on fuel too when I think of it as no one is using the car.

    saving lots on food as were struggling to get food. and since im not the one in the shop impulse buys are not happening when I see something I think oh I wanna try that.

    saving lots on impulse buys as well, as not going out not spending the same.

    saving lots on treats for people too, since im not out I don’t see things n get them.

    wow im saving on far more than I realised .for now the money is just sitting in my bank, doing nothing. im trying not to buy online these days unless its something I need. spend less time on places like ebay amazon etsy. once I start my bipolar ocd takes over and before you know it im skint again. to be fair I do tend to justify it as most things I buy are for other people, but dosent change the fact im spending just makes it a nicer reason for it.

    does anyone else justify their spending this way?

    in reply to: issues contacting banks #151502

    Hi Claire, Oh my goodness, what a position they’ve put you in! As Jasmine suggested, if you can switch to an accessible bank, that’s always an option. Do you have a smartphone? Most banks have a banking app now, with instant chat available. I’ve got both Natwest and Moneybox, and have found their live chat features really useful. If they can’t reply right away, you get a notification text when they have managed to get around to your query. The Natwest one is a little bit annoying as you have to go through the AI bot for a few questions first, but if you type in something like ‘speak to customer service’ it usually cuts to the live chat. It may also be worth considering – if it’s financially suitable to do so – adding your mum to your accounts if you can. That way, she can go to the bank on your behalf or call up as a joint account holder and manage the account for you. Let us know how you get on – and, as Jasmine mentioned, if we can reach out to your bank on your behalf.

    no I don’t have a smartphone, I cant see to use them. I can only see to use a laptop. even then its pretty hard.

    ive never heard of moneybox I will google that to learn about it:)

    mam is on my bank account but shes not got ….whats it called ….power of attorney so its bit hard. I don’t know if the rules are different in different parts of the uk. she can take money out of my account for me via the cash machine but she cant put in or take out in person. which I find weird. I mean she dose always have id on her.

    shes in lockdown with me, so cant go out for now till its safe (im in Scotland), but when its safe I know she will go out to bank for me. my brother who is a key worker, does pick money up for me once a month via the cash machine, but can only take some one small amount per day. (£250 max)

    mams like me she dosent understand banking either, dad did everything for us from the moment they got married (about 37years) mam don’t know how to work a computer let alone apps.  and I cant see too well, she uses a kindle but I cant see to use it. its a laptop I use.

    in reply to: issues contacting banks #151499

    This sounds bad Claire. Which one do you bank with? If you let me know I’ll get their PR people to speak to you Or another thing to do would be to email the CEO of the bank (copying-in customer service) and asking them to sort it. Seriously. There’s nothing to stop you doing that. Usually if you email the CEO something gets done. Also, are there any banks that are open in your town and do have disability access? If so, switch to them. This is something I’m always saying, of course, because we can switch now and it’s pretty easy. You just pick a bank you want to switch to and they have to do everything for you in seven days. Then it’s up to them to watch that they don’t lose any of your money over the next 13 months. Why put up with bad service and closed bank branches if you don’t have to? Let us know what happens 🙂

    my bank is the bank of Scotland/Halifax ive been with them since I was a child like 3 years old. the one I was using that closed was 2 mins from my house, now the one in town is only one open. and I don’t know of any banks near me until town.

    I don’t know the email addresses, I can never find info like that.

    im not sure about switching, because I don’t understand anything to do with banking or money, I know money has a value and we use it to buy things, I take it out or put it in the bank but that’s the extent of my knowledge, (I have learning disability). I don’t understand forms cant even read most forms if its paperwork and I cant write, online its still hard, I don’t have anyone on hand that could help me switch/fil out forms/explain stuff to me. its a very tricky thing for me.

    im already locked out of my isa as I cant remember how to access it, the password, or what info they would ask me to confirm who I am, and they wont talk to anyone on my behalf as im deaf and that’s the only way they deal with these things. im scared I switch and the same happens, I forget my details and cant access anything. wish my daad was still a banker (he was redundant many years ago, and now has alzheimers n dementia I think)


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