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Participantpersonally im not coping during this, I wasn’t coping before, and doing much worse now. sad but true. my situation is very complicated. im terminally ill from birth, (somehow ive got to my 30s), my condition brings problems to every single part of the body, with that comes many obstacles in life that are even harder than usual for people, bullying being big part of it, learning very hard at the best of times let alone when mentally you have have many many issues because of a bad life. the support has been few and far between throughout life. now that covid19 has struck the world, the support that I did have has gone. accessing even simple medical treatment is impossible. getting food is near to impossible, thankfully my brother risks his life to try get me what I need often with no luck. things were bad before lockdown with my family now its just went so much worse. im at breaking point.
what does help me is that I do clap for carers every week, I love showing my appreciation for those on the frontline selflessly risking their lives to save as many lives as they can, I mean not just the nhs who I am a big fan of, but other key workers too. and seeing a story online about sir tom moore who raised over 30million for the nhs and being able to have donated to it. something else that has helped me is seeing that kids all over the world are drawing rainbows to show their support for the nhs.
I wish I had some more positive stuff to say. if I was able to do some old hobbies such as colouring in, drawing, jigsaws, crafts, cooking that would certainly have made this process much easier. what I do keep in mind though is that I am despite everything very lucky, I live with my parents.and have a brother, and I have carers to look forward to seeing again when this is all over. I think that’s what pulls me through the most.
Participantpersonally I think lockdown happened too late, and here in scotand we are still in lockdown as its too soon to go back to no lockdown.
I thought since the pm had the experience of near death himself with it that he would be more sensible, take things more cautious, and be more open. don’t get me wrong im not a fan, but I feel for him haven had to go through that. iv experienced near death like that many times so I know how it feels. I just thought maybe it would of made him better and think more of the peoples lives than money.
I think personally there will be at least a second wave, more deadly than the first. and we have to be cautious at every step. its sad so many thousands have lost their lives, and so many have been affected mentally by it wether someone close to them had it and survived or sadly didn’t survive, or they themselves had it, or even just mentally from the lockdown.
things yeah do have to slowly get back to what is now going to be a new normal, etting the most essential places up n running again, trying to get money flowing as much as possible, but has to be done in small precise stages, very cautiously.
I hope everyone and their familes are ok , keep safe, we will get through this together. and to anyone who is an essential keyworker such as nhs, emergency services, care workers, supermarket staff and all the others I cant name, thank you so much for helping to save our lives, keeping us going and just for being you and being so selfless to put yourself in the danger for us. take care