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Can you keep warm eating these foods?

Rachel Hazelwood 18th Oct 2023 One Comment

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Sleep experts Bed Kingdom, have been doing research into foods you can eat to keep you warm at bedtime.

We recently posted an article about how to stay warm without resorting to putting the heating on which you can read again by clicking here.

But as well as using a hottie or investing in a weighted blanket, why not try some of these delicious foods that can help to warm you up on the inside? They also have the added bonus of helping you sleep better too!

What to eat


Bed Kingdom reckon that eating nuts before bedtime raises your body heat because they increase the speed of your metabolism. Nuts also contain melatonin which is a natural hormone that can help to regulate your sleep cycle.


Cinnamon has thermogenic properties that can increase our body’s core temperature. Having a sprinkle of cinnamon in a glass of milk at night-time won’t just heat you up, but due to the tryptophan in milk – which induces sleep – you’ll also find it easier to rest.


Lots of us already enjoy a warm bowl of porridge in the mornings – we know that it’s great for slow release energy. Well it’s exactly that the experts at Bed Kingdom say will also work at night-time. The slow digestion releases warming energy too.


Add some bananas to your evening porridge – they are full of magnesium which can help regulate your body temperature.  They also help your muscles to relax and calm your body to ensure you get to sleep easily.

Apple ginger pudding


Ginger has vasodilating properties. That means it can increase blood flow and therefore help your body to heat up. You can sprinkle it on food or drink ginger tea to help you relax.


Bed Kingdom say that water-rich food (like cucumber or celery) can cool the body. They add that berries are alkaline and therefore generate cold energy and can release excess body heat. Definitely avoid these ‘cold’ foods if you want to warm up.

So to stay warm without putting the heating on, eat a warm bowl of porridge, with cinnamon, bananas and nuts and enjoy a cup of ginger tea on the side. If you try this let us know what you think if it works in the comments below!


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1 year ago

I have Porridge every morning, it keeps me going until lunch time.

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