World Thrift Day 2022 – How to Save

Vicky Parry 25th Oct 2022 No Comments

Reading Time: 2 minutes

World Thrift Day is celebrated worldwide on 30th October each year to promote the important theme of savings.  

The idea for World Savings Day, or Thrift Day, was proposed by the Italian Professor Filipo Ravizza in 1934, to encourage the practice of saving money, especially by thrifting. 

World Thrift Day 2022 

 World Thrift Day will be celebrated on Sunday, 30th October 2022 and takes place in various parts of the world to promote the habit of thrifting and saving: Spain, the United States, and Germany all celebrate World Thrift Day, and it makes a great occasion to get together and promote the idea of reusing and saving, something we have previously talked about a lot in our clear your clutter campaigns. On this day, people can practice a variety of activities including thrifting, reusing items, and putting savings safely into the bank. 

World Thrift Day 2022 Theme 

 A different theme for is announced each year, and the World Thrift Day 2022 theme is “Saving prepares you for the future’ which is a strong message for everyone in these troubled times when we all need to plan and prepare for what’s to come. 

On World Thrift Day, the importance of thrifting and saving money is emphasised, to encourage people away from what seem like ‘treat binges’ – or treating themselves to things they can’t afford in order to feel better – and towards a more conscious view of your income and how to guard it and use it wisely. 


We’ve talked a lot about savings here on MoneyMagpie, as they can provide a safety net in times of financial crisis – something we are all now in. Savings help us with things like starting a business, and affording education and healthcare. 

Saving is a practice that provides emotional and social stability and can help us to avoid loans, reduce stress, and help to prepare for unexpected health care costs. 


The concept of saving money is taught to children on thrift day, something that is more and more important as the world faces an unprecedented financial crisis. So look out for events in your area, and keep an eye on and on our Instagram page for regular handy tips. 


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Jasmine Birtles

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