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Zizzi offers FREE pizzas for Leap Year birthdays!

Vicky Parry 27th Feb 2024 No Comments

Reading Time: < 1 minute

In honour of the Leap Year – Italian restaurant chain Zizzi is inviting all those born on the 29th February to leap into restaurants nationwide where they can enjoy a FREE delicious Zizzi classic Rustica pizza.


‘Leaplings’ will need to show their ID including their birth date upon arrival to prove that it’s their birthday.


Customers can choose from the extensive range of tasty Rustica pizzas on the menu including the Rustica Piccante, the Rustica Meat Sofia and the Rustica Margherita.


Katy Lomax, Chief Marketing Officer at Zizzi restaurants says: ‘At Zizzi we always want to give back to our customers, especially those who only get to celebrate their official birthday every four years. We are looking forward to welcoming ‘leaplings’ at any restaurant nationwide to celebrate good times and enjoy good food!’

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