28th Oct 2021
You’re young and carefree – or in your 30s and 40s with kids and a mortgage – so your pension is taking a back seat. We get it! But you should know that you’re missing out on tens of thousands of pounds of retirement income. Regular small monthly contributions to your pension build up over…
10th Sep 2021
For some of us, our savings are looking a little bleak. No matter how hard we try to build up our wealth, our savings account remains stagnant. But getting serious about your money can seem daunting, and it may feel futile. Luckily, there is a helpful solution available. Enter Chip. Chip is the savings account…
24th Aug 2021
Women face a pension pay gap of almost 60% compared to men. When it comes to pensions, this pay gap can mean the difference of hundreds of thousands of pounds for retirement*. Why is there a pension gap between genders? A small improvement – and then COVID-19 Ways to close the gap Make sure your…
14th May 2021
As lockdown looks set to be eased, many of us are turning our minds to what we might wear when we’re allowed out again. The temptation to buy lots of new clothes might be strong, but you can look good without breaking the bank. With that in mind, we’ve put together some fantastic ways for…
8th May 2021
Are you over 55 and in debt? Are you worried you’ll retire before your debts are cleared? You’re not alone. Almost half of over 55s are struggling to clear debts before retirement, according to a survey by the Debt Advisory Centre. Fortunately there are steps you can take to clear your debts in time. Read…
2nd Feb 2021
Life in the city is packed with fabulous possibilities: from eating and drinking, to shopping and world-class entertainment. The trouble is that making the most of all the opportunities on offer can take its toll on your bank balance. Fortunately, we have put together a guide to fabulous city living on a budget. There are…
24th Jan 2021
Working abroad after Brexit will change now that the UK has left the European Union. There are currently three quarters of a million British expats living in the EU. You may still be interested in joining the near one million Brits in the EU despite Brexit. But before you jet off to seek another lifestyle, you’ll need…
21st Jan 2021
Are you in the habit of impulsive spending? Do you often find you’ve got a lot less cash to spare at the end of the month than you thought? It’s time to reconsider your money habits to curb your impulsive expenses! You don’t have to cut out life’s luxuries, either – in fact, working on…
22nd Oct 2020
Fancy working from home running your own B&B? Why wouldn’t you?! It could be a great way to make money, meet people, and create a profitable business. There’s a lot to think about too, though. If you’ve never considered turning your spare bedrooms into a guest house, have a think about these questions first: Is…
22nd Oct 2020
Running your own business can be all of the following: exciting, draining, liberating, stressful and rewarding. Still, it doesn’t matter whether you’re aiming to start up a shop or become the next Richard Branson – if you follow the 20 tips below, you’ll find your life – and business – will be made much easier!…
29th Sep 2020
Setting up a freelance business might seem daunting – but you could be finding your first clients within the next week! In these unstable times, having a side hustle or going full-time freelance is an appealing career option for many of us. A freelance business can cover all sorts of things, from writing and graphic…
15th Sep 2020
You might have heard whisperings recently about a rise in the private pension age (that is, the age at which you’ll be able to draw on the money that you’ve been saving for retirement). If you’re nearing retirement age, or have already begun to start making plans for it, this will naturally be something that…