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Search Results for 'life insurance'

Can’t get a loan? 10 ways to get some money fast

17th Jul 2020

So you can’t get a loan? But you REALLY need some money now. Cheap loans can be tough to find if your credit’s not great – which is ironic given how low the Bank of England base rate is at the moment. So what do you do if you’re refused a loan? Don’t despair –…

Smokers: stop smoking and save £3,000 a year!

28th Mar 2020

If you’re looking to tighten the purse strings, then why don’t you pack in the cigarettes.. One study found that 60% of smokers find it hard to last a whole day without smoking. Here at Money Magpie, we know how hard it is to quit. But with our handy article, we plan on giving you…

How will you pay for long-term care?

21st Mar 2020

According to the non-profit company Paying For Care, long-term care cost a mammoth £33,852 every year. A figure that rises even further when nursing and specialist care is throw into the mix. As an ageing population, more and more people will be in need of care later in their lives for longer. Therefore, it’s crucial…

Reduce your outgoings: save over £1,000 a year

20th Mar 2020

“How can I reduce my outgoings?” It’s a familiar cry, from the millions of people who have had their finances squeezed in recent years. It’s not an easy task: you need to work out what can go, and what is essential to keep in your budget. You also need to establish the luxuries you can…

Critical illness cover: Is it critical?

14th Mar 2020

We don’t like to think about becoming seriously ill, but it’s important to consider financial protection against the worst happening. Critical illness cover is one option, designed to ease the financial burden with a tax-free lump sum which you can spend however you like. However, with sneaky exclusions and an array of policies to choose…

10 questions you must face about your finances

20th Feb 2020

Are you really on top of your finances? You might be getting to the end of each month without facing a budgeting disaster or creating money nightmare, but this is not quite the same thing as mastering your money. To make the most of your finances, you need to go further, and ask yourself 10…

Give me money! How to get a cheaper loan

20th Feb 2020

When the financial markets are volatile – and when your own finances are particularly under pressure – the prospect of getting a cheaper loan can seem daunting. It’s an important decision to make, and it’s worth taking your time to shop around to be sure you don’t get caught in a downward spending spiral battling…

Living together: what you need to know about cohabiting and finances

10th Feb 2020

It may not seem romantic, but cohabiting and finances go hand in hand. Moving in together has become so common in Britain that it’s now become the norm for a lot of people. Unfortunately though, things can go wrong. Cohabiting couples are Britain’s fastest-growing family type. So, while you might not need a piece of…

How to get a will written – an easy guide

10th Feb 2020

Find out how to get a will written with our easy guide. Ensure you don’t overpay in taxes or that your ex doesn’t end up with all your cash! Around two-thirds of us don’t have a will, which means cost and heartache to family and friends. So get it done now and you’ll feel a…

What does it mean? All those confusing money terms explained!

5th Feb 2020

Are you sick of reading money terms that mean absolutely nothing to you? Quite right – don’t put up with it any longer! Here’s our (not at all definitive) finance and banking glossary with all those confusing money terms explained, so that you can understand what it’s all about!   money terms Accountant: Professional number-cruncher….

The shocking truth about how winning the lottery could kill you

6th Nov 2019

Looking forward to winning the lottery? Don’t. You’re highly likely to have a miserable life if you do!

How to make money even when you’re broke

9th Jul 2019

At MoneyMagpie we’re constantly coming up with new ways to make money. But, sometimes, money-making ideas require you have a fair amount of cash to make an initial investment. It’s for this reason we’ve put together this guide to making money even if you’re broke. Follow our guide and see what money-making opportunities out there…