14th Sep 2020
Apprenticeships haven’t always been popular, but they’re growing in popularity again. Fewer people are opting for traditional higher education routes, like university, and turning to apprenticeships as another option instead. The growth in available apprenticeships is particularly welcome in such an unstable job market. Apprenticeships provide support, income, and a more secure working future. They…
7th Sep 2020
Although a credit card and a debit card look the same and have similar functionalities, they are fundamentally different. They are both convenient to use and are accepted in most places, yet the core distinction is where the money is drawn from. Particularly when owning multiple cards, it can get a little confusing. This blog…
5th Sep 2020
In the past few years we’ve seen a massive rise in the popularity of the side hustle. More and more people are ditching the traditional 9-5 and taking on portfolio careers. Although the side hustle originally started as a way to earn a little extra money on the side, it’s now turned into a whole…
3rd Sep 2020
With the housing market picking up again, many are considering a change of scenery. However, there’s always the risk that something goes awry with your buying plans. To avoid getting stuck in a failing chain, or to buy un-mortgageable properties, you could try a bridging loan. But what is a bridging loan – and how…
3rd Sep 2020
With such a vast number of recent changes in the world of work, the job market is tougher than ever. Unemployment rates have increased dramatically, and every job is receiving large numbers of applicants. But don’t let this put you off! Although the majority of us jump at any opportunity to second guess ourselves, thinking…
3rd Sep 2020
Brexit: remember that? The B-word might not have been at the forefront of our minds this year (albeit for a brief period in January, as the country geared up to begin 2020’s transition period). But it is still happening at the end of this year, coronavirus or no coronavirus. If you’re a business owner it’s…
3rd Sep 2020
As a nation, we’re notoriously bad at talking about money. In fact, we’d almost always rather talk about anything else – sex, politics, and religion included! In particular, one of the topics that makes us the most uncomfortable is asking for a pay rise. For some reason we shy away from it. But with almost…
20th Aug 2020
It’s probably safe to say that for most of us 2020 isn’t exactly going as expected. No one could have foreseen spending 3 months at home and putting on hold all of our plans! The good news is there’s plenty to cheer you up, from free stuff to having more time on your hands. Keep…
18th Aug 2020
Lots of charities offer non-repayable grants to help individuals on a low income, or in difficult financial circumstances. We’ve looked into some of the most specific and strangest grants around. You can find anything from benefits specifically for vegetarians, to support for workers in particular industries. There’s actually a surprising number of grants available, so…
17th Aug 2020
Freelancers have to complete a Self Assessment tax return by January 31st every year. This includes listing all your income for the tax year – and your allowable expenses. But what can you include as a legitimate expense -and what will HMRC refuse? Let’s look at what you can – and can’t – include as…
16th Aug 2020
While making a few quid here and there can be easy for those under 18, it’s a whole different story if you’re after a more sustainable source of income. Earning proper money can be difficult without the advantages of work experience or other factors, such as a driving licence. To help out those under 18…
13th Aug 2020
Dog walking is a great way to make money on the side and get fit at the same time. Particularly in cities, there’s a lot of demand for dog walking services, and it’s well paid too. More people than ever got a puppy in the first lockdown – but now have to go back to…