Just take a look at the ideas we have below - saving money easily, setting up a freelance business, saving £5000 in 2021 and even making money with coffee. And that's just for starters!
I was on Sky News on Sunday talking about the rise in Bitcoin's value and how I think it's likely to go up further in the future. I'm a fan of cryptocurrencies and I have invested in a few, including Bitcoin. However, the whole crypto scene is like the Wild West at the moment so I don't recommend that you buy any unless you're sure you know what you're doing! Take a look at our article here that explains Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies to get clued-up.
I mention this because I'm sure that there will be loads of Bitcoin-related scams coming along this year so you should be wary. If you do decide to buy some, make sure you do it on a proper exchange like Coinbase or eToro. And don't put too much in. I do think that some of the currencies will go up a lot in value but it's
very volatile so nothing is certain.
In the meantime, let's all make the most of the extra time we're being given and come out of this richer and more knowledgeable! Remember, lots of our original lockdown content is still available here - and includes ways to make money from your sofa, where to learn online for free, and much more!
Love Jasmine :-)